Sunday, 6 July 2014

Training (5 July 2014)

Hi boys and girls,

Great job yesterday. That's the last training before your tournament. Hope you all had fun playing with older kids. I am sure all of you have feel that you have improve a lot throughout this few months. The tournament will start on tue for the boys and wed for the girls.

The teachers and I have already done whatever we can and teach you everything that we know. Hope all of you will repay us back by playing to your best during the tournament. Making us feel proud of you and make us smile when we get good results.

Tomorrow is a holiday. Make sure you all take care of yourself and not hurt yourself. Remember no junk food, spicy food and milky drinks before the tournaments!

Last but not least please remember the free hits ,corners and playing in a proper shape.

Please bring the following when we got games
1. Jerseys
2. Shorts
3. Socks
4. Court Shoes
5. Bottles
6. Sticks

See you on Tuesday!

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